All Colors and Flavors

Hard to miss but yes my roots are in China. : ) And this project not only allowed me to showcase them in my art, but also to combine my love for the chinese cuisine.

After the owner of Laotse, a Chinese restaurant (and my absolute favorite) with a long tradition, saw my last wooden installation, he asked me to create a similar project for his restaurant in Moutfort.

I knew I couldn't say no because this way of realising my art and ideas has really appealed to me since the huge project “What a wonderful world”. And on top of that I liked the idea of working again with my friend and carpenter Constantin Jacques and create another masterpiece out of wood.

As an artist, I'm known for my use of bright and popping colors, but this time I've adapted my color scheme to the environment. I wanted the art piece to blend in with its surroundings, so I used dark brown, red, gold, and greens to create a harmonious atmosphere.

The art piece is made entirely of wood and consists of 8 different layers. This project is a continuation of my work in representing layers of time. Instead of painting multiple layers, I created a physical version of the same idea.

The installation is 2.4m high by 3m wide, smaller than the first installation (7m wide by 13m high), but it's just as detailed. It has engravings, reliefs, and built-in LEDs to create more atmosphere and enhance the perception of depth.

The title of this piece, "All Colors and Flavors," is inspired by the Chinese phrase "色香味俱全," which means "color, aroma, taste, and flavor are all excellent."

Enjoy the photos and a making-of video of this new piece. I hope you will get the chance to see it in person.


CHL Construction Site


Beep Beep Yeah